Napkin folding :-Bishop hat

Step 1)Fold the napkin into triangle shape

Step 2)Fold the napkin again in a triangle shape

Step 3) Now fold the napkin in a triangle shape it will form kite

Step 4)Then from folded parts fold the napkin

Step 5) Now turn the same side and fold the napkin

Step 6) Now fold the napkin again

Step 7) Fold the napkin once more

Step8:Again fold the napkin the same way as step7.

Step9)Fold the napkin again this way.

Step 10) Now turn the side and fold the napkin from right side
Step 11) Fold the the napkin from left side and you have to put left side to right side. Now look at front side your bishop hat is ready.

Now have a look at this video to see the tutorial of napkin folding in this way.

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